Saturday, December 28, 2019

New ASME E-Fests Highlight the Fun and Excitement of Engineering

New ASME E-Fests Highlight the Fun and Excitement of Engineering New ASME E-Fests Highlight the Fun and Excitement of Engineering New ASME E-Fests Highlight the Fun and Excitement of EngineeringDec. 9, 2016 This spring, ASME will launch three new global events for engineering students in the United States and the Asia Pacific region that will highlight the fun and excitement that engineering has to offer. The new events, E-Fests (Engineering Festivals), will take the place of the ASME regional student conferences that have traditionally been held each spring throughout ASMEs various districts.The new E-Fests will be three-day, two-night regional events designed to provide engineering students with a venue where they can learn about design, advanced manufacturing and robotics in a lively and fun environment. These immersive student festivals will feature a variety of exciting hands-on activities, including hackathons, fireside chats, technology and innovation lightning talk s, career-briefing sessions, mentoring opportunities, leadership and professional development workshops, round table networking sessions, as well as social activities and entertainment.The three E-Fests will also serve as the new locations for the regional rounds of four of ASMEs premier student competitions the menschenfreundlich Powered Vehicle Challenge, the Student Design Competition, the Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D (IAM3D) Challenge and the Old Guard Competition. Details on competition requirements, deadlines and registration can be found on the E-Fest web page. The first of the three events, E-Fest Asia Pacific, will take place from March 3 to 5 at the LNM Institute of Information Technology in Jaipur, India. E-Fest West will be held from March 17 to 19 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The E-Fest East event will take place from April 21 to 23 Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tenn.Registration for the E-Fest Asia Pacific is 1,200 Indian rup ees (approximately $17.50 U.S.) through Dec. 31 and 1,500 rupees ($22 U.S.) after that date. Registration for the E-Fest West event is $100 through Feb. 3, $125 between Feb. 4 and March 16, and $150 as of March 17. Registration for E-Fest East is $100 through Feb. 28, $125 from March 1 to April 20, and $150 after that date.For more information about the new E-Fest program including instructions on signing up for the regional ASME competitions and competitions deadlines, or to view a promotional video on the program or to register for the E-Fest Asia Pacific, E-Fest East or E-Fest West events, visit http//

Monday, December 23, 2019

Store Your Resume Online With Google Docs

Store Your Resume Online With Google DocsStore Your Resume Online With Google DocsGoogle Drive is a good (and free) choice for storing your resumeand cover lettersonline. Google Drive is an organizational system in which you can create, upload, edit, and save documents. You can upload files from your desktop, create new documents using Google Docs (Googles word processing app), and edit and view files from your computer or smartphone. You can also share your documents with others. Google Drive is extremely useful for job seekers. It allows you to store your job materials online, and organize that information into folders. The resumeand letter templates are very useful for creating job search materials. Job seekers can also share their documents online with career counselors or friends and family helping with their job search. Read below for tips on using Google Drive. You will find information on uploading documents, creating new documents, using resume templates, and more. Upload ing a Resume to Google Drive In order to upload your resume (or any other document), youll need to register and create a Google account, if you dont have one. Once youve registered, youll be able to access your Google Drive any time thatyou are online. To upload a resume you have already written onto Google Drive, you can take one of two vorkaufsrechts. First, you can simply click and drag a document from your computer onto Google Drive. The other option is below In Google Drive, click on My DriveClick Upload FilesUpload the document you want to add to Google Drive If you want to edit the document, click Open With at the top of the page. Click Google Docs, which will open the document in Google Docs. Here, you can make any changes to the document that you want, including changing the name of the document. These changes will automatically be saved in Google Drive. Creating a New Google Doc If you want to write your resume from scratch or write any other job material on Google Dr ive, click on New in the top left corner of Google Drive. Then click Google Docs, which will take you to the editing program. There you can write, edit, format, save, and share your job materials. If you are not used to Google Docs, dont worry it is very similar to Microsoft Word. Like Microsoft Word,you can play with the font and font size, add bullet points and other special characters, and do anything else you might want to do on your resume. Use a Resume or Cover Letter Template Through Google Drive, you can also access Google Docs many document templates. There are multiple free templates, including many resume templates and multiple business letter templates that you can use for a cover letter or other professional job search letter. Here is how you can access and use the templates In Google Drive, click on New in the top left cornerClick the arrow to the right of Google DocsClick From a TemplateLook at the list of different templates, and select the template you want to use This will open up a new Google Doc with the template embedded in it.A template is a great starting point for a resume or letter. Be sure to personalize your document with your career information. Hereshow to select a resume template, personalize it, and save it. Editing a Resume As mentioned above, clicking on a document in Google Drive allows you to read it, not edit it. Here is how to edit your document Find the document in your Google Drive and click on itClick open with at the top of the pageSelect Google Docs This will allow you to edit the fileIt will automatically save any changes to your Google Drive Organizing Files You can place your job search files into specific folders to help organize your job search. Just click on New in the top left corner of Google Drive. Then click on New Folder. You can then name the folder, and click and drag Google Docs and any other materials into the folder. Sharing Files Once you have a document on Google Drive, you can choos e to share it with specific individuals or even publish it publicly online. Here is how to do it Find the document in your Google Drive and click on itClick open with at the top of the pageSelect Google Docs. This will allow you to edit the fileClick Share in the top right corner of the documentYou can then enter the emails of specific people if you want to share with one or two employers, family members, friends, etc.You can also click Get shareable link, which allows you to share a URL with whomever you wantClick Advanced if you want to make it completely public. Once you click Advanced, under Who has access, click Change. You can then choose to either make the document public, share it with specific people (or people who have the URL), or make it private for you. Sharing your resume and cover letter online allows hiring managers and recruiters to find it. Do keep in mind that once you make your resume public,anyone can find it and that can mean the wrong people as well as the r ight people, including your boss if you are currently employed. Your resume also includes personal information like your phone number that you may prefer to keep private. So, before you make your resume public, be absolutely sure that you want your resume and all the personal information on it available to anyone and everyone on the Internet. Access Files Offline The one downside to online document systems like Google Drive is that you need to have access to the internet to use them. However, this is not the case with Google Drive. Simply download Google Driveonto your computer (or whatever device you want to use to access your documents).? Once you download Google Drive, all your documents on Google Drive will be available for you to access and edit on your device, and documents on your computer will be downloaded to Google Drive. You can then edit documents on your computer, and they will save to Google Drive the next time you are online.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Evaluate Benefits Before Taking a New Job

How to Evaluate Benefits Before Taking a New JobHow to Evaluate Benefits Before Taking a New JobOutside of starting salaries, corporate cultures, and other work perks employee benefits are something that all professionals must take into careful consideration when conducting a job search. Because there are so many different types of benefit plans, such as medical, life, retirement, and voluntary products out there, it can be difficult to put the total compensation offered by an employer into perspective. This is why its important to carefully evaluate the competitive employee benefits package and understand how they can best help you reach your rolleal health and financial needs. As you traverse a job search, here are the most common elements that employee benefit plans include General Employee Benefit Coverage Limits When considering the benefits offered by a new employer, think about the monthly or pay period costs that you will be responsible for and what the employer agrees to cover. Even if the premiums are deducted from your paycheck pre-tax, this can impact your annual salary and take home pay. Be sure that you understand how much of a cut this will be. Youll also want to note the annual out of pocket deductible, which could be as high as $10K per person for a high deductible health care plan until you know how much your insurance will actually pay medical costs. You will want to know when coverage dates start, when they end upon resignation, and if there are any penalties of waiting until the annual open enrollment period instead of upon hire. If you have medical coverage currently, you may want to see if the job offer comes with a better plan or if you are better off waiting to utilize your annual out of pocket deductible this year. This can be especially important if you anticipate an expensive medical procedure coming up or the birth of a child. Understand Medical and Voluntary Plan Rules Each medical and voluntary plan will have its own speci al set of coverage and usage rules. There are also many different plan types, such as Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Options. You may be able to use the same doctors and health care centers you have now if they are in network. But if they arent, you may be asked to choose a new primary care provider and switch to a new health care network. Keep in mind that some plans may be limited in the types of services offered, such as routine care vs. mental health care. Some plans offer free preventative care to cover things like mammograms, flu shots, and more. Not all plans include access to discounted prescription benefits. Before you accept these benefits, consult with the human resource director to get more information on plan limitations, and rules. Get Information on Company Matched Retirement Plans When deciding on taking a job or not, understanding if the company offers any kind of financial planning benefits like a retirement savings plan, stock investme nts, disability insurance, and other forms of financial protection. Some companies match employee donations dollar-for-dollar (free money), while others put a portion of the company earnings into a special account for each employee. Consider the percentage requirements for retirement plans and if this is voluntary or a mandatory program. Some companies require that all employees participate in retirement savings plans, deducting as much as 5 percent of the gross salary each month to fund this. Also, in your job search, be mindful of how much the company matches contributions and what the cut-off is. Learn About the Paid Time Off Benefits Most companies want to maintain a healthy and happy workforce, so outside of regular medical benefits, they will offer additional perks such as generous paid time off policies. This is something you should look at to see if you have to wait to use this benefit or if the paid days off are immediately available to you. Consider also if you will ha ve any special needs for time off this year, such as a pre-scheduled vacation or taking maternity leave, before accepting a job offer. A word to the wise - be sure to measure any benefits offered by a potential new company against those offered by your spouses plan. You may be better off switching over to that plan due to costs or coverage benefits.

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Teflon Mind How to let go of the past

The Teflon Mind How to let go of the pastThe Teflon Mind How to let go of the pastIf you realize that all things change, there is bedrngnislagelagehing you will try to hold on to. - Lao TzuWhy cant I just move on?Everyone tells you let go. It sounds so simple, right? Yet, you cant stop holding on to the past. A grudge, a bad experience, or a betrayal - no matter how long ago they happened, sad memories stick with us forever.Reliving a story is like being hurt twice or thrice - remembering your suffering creates more suffering. So why do we do it?In some weird way, its fulfilling. We construct our heroified version of what happened. Those stories do more than fill the void - theyve become part of who you are. Memories have adhered to your identity you cant remove them no matter how hard you try.Lets be honest letting go is not easy. But you can train yourself to avoid sad memories from getting stuck. You need to develop a Teflon Mind.Why we create (more) sufferingIt is mental slav ery to cling to things that have stopped serving its purpose in your life. - Chinonye J. ChidolueYou cant change the past, so why continue to perpetuate it?The more you try to understand what happened, the more harm you cause. Rehashing sad memories adds unnecessary suffering to your suffering.You feel like a hamster in the wheel - no matter how hard you try, you cant make any progress.According to Professor Clifford Nass at Stanford University, The brain handles positive and negative information in different hemispheres. Negative emotions generally involve more thinking, and the information is processed more thoroughly than positive ones. Thus, we tend to ruminate more about unpleasant events - and use stronger words to describe them - than happy ones.However, blaming everything on our brain could be an easy way out. We cannot change what happened, but we have control of the stories we tell ourselves about what happened.1. We want to be the heroWeve all been hurt. Its sad and e mbarrassing - no one wants to look weak. Thats why we construct our version of what happened one that will make us look good. But blaming others can leave you powerless - you still expect other to repair the pain they caused, but they wont.2. We let others define usThe only thing in life under your control is how you behave. What others do (to you) is out of bounds, you cant do much about it. Focusing on what others did is a distraction - rather than trying to understand others behaviors, put your energy on what you can do to move on.3. We cant forgive ourselvesAll your feelings are legitimate. However, blaming is a two-way street - when we cant forgive others is because we cant forgive ourselves too. Others did something wrong but, deep inside, we believe we did something wrong to cause it. When we feel guilty, it becomes harder to move on.Eckhart Tolle said, There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. You can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on. It is called forgiving yourself. 4. The past becomes who we areMany people identify their sense of self with the problems they have or think they have. According to Eckhart Tolle, people create and maintain problems because they give them a sense of identity. Our stories are part of our experience but are not who we are. Letting go of a past story makes space for new ones - focus on the here and now.5. We have dependent relationshipsTheres nothing wrong with loving someone and enjoying to be with that person. The problem is when you allow that person to own you - youve become attached to that relationship. Thats why we can move on when a loved one hurts us - we fear losing that person and all the emotions attached to her/ him.Becoming more aware of why we create more suffering wont necessarily make your worries go away. Its just the beginning - to let go when must understand what we cling to.The suffering we cling toYou must love in such a way that t he person you love feels free. - Thich Nhat HanhAll our struggles stem from attachment.We dont really get attached to the person, but to our shared experiences. We get stuck to the emotions that our relationships stir up in us - happy or sad.Dalai Lama said, Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering hence it is the cause of suffering.Once again, theres nothing wrong with forming bonds of love and friendship. The problem is attachment - when we become dependent to clinging on to others.Attachment is holding on to things that are past their time - we suffer because they are no longer what they used (or what we expected them) to be. We dont understand that everything is impermanent - change is the only constant in life.The opposite of attachment is not detachment - the idea is not to stop loving or being compassionate towards others. Non-attachment is the answer - not letting emotions or experiences stick with you.Non-attachment is freedom from things and people. Everythin g changes - when you hold on to something, you get stuck in a moment. All things evolve and change over time.John Daido Loori says that non-attachment should be understood as unity with all things.The Zen teacher said, Non-attachment is exactly the opposite of separation. You need two things in order to have attachment the thing youre attaching to, and the person whos attaching. In non-attachment, on the other hand, theres unity. Theres unity because theres nothing to attach to.You dont have to detach from the people in your life or from having goals in your career. You can still actively work to create a better tomorrow its simply letting go of fixed expectations. Having professional goals or relationships is okay. The issue is when you let those things own you - getting stuck in expectations is why we cant move on when things dont go our way.Non-attachment is recognizing that everything that you are experiencing is impermanent.Face the reality that everything ends and that endin g becomes the start of something else. Life is like a book - you have to turn the page to start a new chapter.Ive become very good at letting go of almost anything over time. I changed jobs and career when I welches at the top. I moved many many times and had to start all over again. I threw away many possessions and habits - what were once luxuries quickly became a burden.Letting go is both liberating and excitingIm still myself in spite of all the changes I made. Recognizing lifes impermanence creates a state of joyfulness - thats the basis for developing a Teflon Mind.What doesnt stick makes you strongerWhen I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need. - Tao Te ChingThe first time I heard the term Teflon Mind was in this humorous and inspirational talk by Ajahn Brahm. The acclaimed British-Australian Buddhist monk shares his insights humanly and straightforwardly - you dont need to understand (or even like) Buddhism to benefit from his wisdom.He offers advice on how to train your mind to let go, to be peaceful and happy. Ajahn reflects upon why we find it so hard to let go of our hurts and how we can benefit from having a Teflon Mind.1. Travel LightEverything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well. - Jack KornfieldGrab a rock or a heavy book. Hold it for a couple of minutes and then let it go. How do you feel now? Things are only heavy when you hold onto them - when you let things go, they dont feel heavy any longer.Your mind is like a backpack - if you fill it with heavy rocks, it will make your journey more difficult. Ajahn tells us to throw all the load away (the grudges, the sadness, the complaints, the past, the expectations, etc.). Only keep one thing the present moment.Thats the paradox of life - the more time or space we have, the more we want to fill it with things. Either we plan for new distractions or get bust rehashing memories.Do you f eel exhausted? Maybe your backpack is too heavy. What can you throw away? Let go not just of past emotions - empty your life of things that are meaningless and useless. Look around - you can get rid of everything you see without losing your identity.You are not what you have throw your emotional dependence away.2. Want to Be HereHolding on is believing that theres only a past letting go is knowing that theres a future. - Daphne Rose KingmaFreedom is not a status, but a mindset as I wrote here. There are many prisons in life. Any place you dont want to be is your prison, as Ajahn Brahm explains. If you are in a relationship which you dont like, your relationship is your prison. If you are in a job that doesnt give you satisfaction, you feel imprisoned.However, the solution doesnt always mean escaping from where you are we carry our prisons wherever we go. You need to change your mindset - decide and enjoy being here (wherever or whatever that means to you). Contentment - a state of satisfaction with what you have - is the second way of letting go.When you want to be here, you are free.3. Expect Nothing in ReturnYou can only lose what you cling to. BuddhaAre you giving and expecting something in return? Thats the root of everyday frustrations - nothing ever happens as we want it to be. It can be better or worse or even similar, but its always different.As I started writing this piece, my expectations were zero. I dont expect you to like it, share it, or write back. Im writing it because I choose to be here - Im enjoying the time researching, writing, and editing the piece. If it helps people, that would be great, and I will enjoy it. If not, I will be alright. Whatever must happen, will happen.When you enter a relationship without expectations, you are leaving space for things to happen. Thats why we love surprises.4. Develop a Non-Stick MindWhen the weather is hot, keep a cool mind. When the weather is cold, keep a warm heart - Ajahn BrahmDont let mom ents - sad or happy - adhere to you. Enjoy things while they last. Nostalgia can be as harmful as ruminating sad experiences. Dont let sadness, or the pain that someone caused, stick to you.If you are having a beautiful moment, enjoy it. Dont compare it to others (past or future) moments. A Teflon Mind is not about not caring, but avoiding attachment - a non-stick pan lets you cook one thing after another because none adheres to its surface. The stories we create are like glue - they make things stick rather than come and go.Have a Teflon Mind - let your emotions, experiences, and thoughts kurze unterhose right out.You can attend to painful thoughts, but that doesnt mean they should get stuck. Learn to observe your emotions and feelings without becoming their prisoner - let them go, and you will be free.Thich Nhat Hanh said, Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and alive, body and mind united. Mindfulness is the energy that helps us to know what is going on in th e present moment.Having a Teflon Mind is learning not to judge. Awful, Perfect, The best, the most painful, the worst, the most terrible - when we categorize our experiences, we make them stick.Letting go is one of the most challenging things in life. But its a skill worth developing. Theodore Roosevelt said, Nothing in this world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty. I have never envied a human being who led an easy life.Remember, when theres nothing to attach to, theres nothing to let go of. Thats the beauty of building a non-stick mind.The purpose of your life is the journey, not reaching a destination. Nothing lasts forever.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Secret of Resume Heading Nobody Is Talking About

The Secret of Resume Heading Nobody Is Talking About Resume Heading - What Is It? OurA Sample Resume FormatsA will help direct you through the crucial requirements required for a nice and presentable resume with clear layouts which are available for print or download. One of the absolute fruchtwein important design choices that can be made on your resume is your font. Think about it as the personal letterhead on top of your professional resume. Its particularly important to use a great template when making an infographic resume. Try to remember that hiring managers and recruiters spend a limited period of time on each resume no more than six seconds, according to a single study. They prefer that you do not include any physical descriptions or any political or personal channels so as to reduce any possibilities of prejudice during the time of hiring. Now, the recruiter cant get in contact with you even if theyre interested Dont permit the recruiters guessing what exactly you would like to convey. Now, job hunting gets increasingly tough. A good deal of recruiters now utilize LinkedIn to seek the services of potential job seekers. As a member, youre get business analyst job alerts sent straight to your inbox so that you can waste no time applying to the ones which youre most interested in. Bear in mind, the work market is ever-changing. Your CV is merely one of the millions of different CVs thats being read and reviewed on a monthly basis during the recruitment procedure. While it is going to be a bit additional work, be certain to make a new headline for each work application. A good resume heading is one great method to have a hiring managers interest. Make your name the largest thing on the webpage. Make sure it stands out. Obviously, it is going to go at the top of your resume. It is the most important thing, and the second most important things being your phone number and e-mail address. The Job Objective Sometimes regarded as a career objective, the work objective is a rather important portion of the resume in the lack of a targeted job title. Georgia is a superb example. Or you may use a Job Title that is more general and not as specific. Its actually pretty simple to earn a good resume heading. Type of Resume Heading General claims make it hard for employers to appraise the value you provided to previous employers. You may offer a concise description of accomplishments and duties for each. The Career Summary section ought to be restricted to a few sentences that emphasize your relevant experience, skills and distinctive abilities. The achievements part of your CV consists of a list of your most important achievements that are related to do the job. The War Against Resume Heading Resumes styled with left-aligned text and bulleted lists are simple to read and keep up a clean, professional appearance. Well, templates are definitely the most neat and organized structure for virtually any document. A gr eat template makes it less difficult for recruiters to read your resume. For that reason, its important to opt for a resume type that most meets your requirements. The work experience section will most likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. You only dont have sufficient experience yet. The most significant step in developing a phlebotomy resume is following the instructions supplied by the recruiter. The aim of a resume headline is to sum up your abilities and experience into a quick phrase that will stick out and show the possible employer exactly what youve got to offer you. Adding the incorrect things or too many things to your resume will save you from getting the business job which you want. Your resume will certainly stick out in a pile filled with more conventional approaches. The format you select will be dependent on various factors, including your work history and degree of experience. Therefore, unless youre applying in an incredibly creative f ield, a simple resume is frequently the thing to do. The endeavor isnt difficult but can be confusing for a lot of people. The objective is to concisely state your value for a candidate. Without a suitable headline, there is not any other way for communicating your experiences and techniques earned by means of your career. The Meaning of Resume Heading Have an exhaustive review of the work description which youre applying for and highlight the crucial words indicated. The direction you organize the info on your resume is nearly as crucial as the resume itself. A two page resume is sometimes an issue of choice and at times an issue of dignity. Its fine to break in the center of a section, but dont break up sentences within work description or educational listing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Hidden Solutions to Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume Exposed

Hidden Solutions to Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume Exposed What You Dont Know About Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume You may however want prospective employers to seek out your LinkedIn account. The client needs to be instructed to look just for incorrect or misunderstood information. Reveal confidential information Job seekers sometimes produce the error of revealing confidential info in their resumes. It is quite easy for potential employers to search social networking sites for email addresses, which might mean they find out a great deal more about you than you would love. The Dirty Facts on Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume Revising Once your draft is finished, give it a close edit to ensure essential details are correct. Writing and editing is quite an extensive category. Excellent editing still takes a menschlich being. If youre changing work in the exact field, it is always advised to use a reverse chronological resume format. The Bad Sid e of Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume If youre targeting a parteicular position, you may want to compose a resume objective. First objective that should be taken under consideration is the introduction of perfect resume. Precisely how much to include in each individual section is dependent on the sector to which youre applying. You may incorporate GPA information if important to the particular position. It is crucial to explain your role so the reader will be in a position to imagine what kind of work youve done. Resume writing can be an enjoyable diversion from long hours alone before your PC. If you bury your document in legal jargon, you can get rid of the true effect of the situations youve accomplished. The same holds for everything you write on the job. What You Must Know About Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume In a few statements, it should summarize your prior work experience highlighting the mechanical engineering skills necessary for the job tha t you are applying to. The following suggestions will help you compose a resume which will help you become shortlisted for the work interview. If there are a few distinctive skills that would offer you an edge never fail to mention them. Your writing skills will produce the company appear good and thats terrific for you as well as your upcoming career success The History of Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume Refuted If youre not certain where to begin with design, there are a lot of completely free CV templates readily available online. It is very important to continue to keep your list targeted to the job which you would like. Since you can comprehend the legal assistants have a diverse array of jobs. The acceptable range is genuinely wide. A Startling Fact about Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume Uncovered Zen Pen is ideal for writers that are easily distracted. A technical writer should have strong communication skills, together with exceptional writing a nd grammar abilities. If you own an inclination to compose run-on or elaborate sentences, Hemingway Editor is the tool you demand Writing and editing need a lot of interrelated abilities, and its tricky to understand what to include. Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume The written word is among the most essential tools of the legal profession. Written language skills are an essential part of many positions in nearly every business. You should only list languages that youre fluent and can converse in. The Benefits of Drafting, Writing, Research Skills Resume You dont need to be a rocket scientist to have the task done. The work description should offer you a sensible idea. The skills section is able to help you show hiring managers more comprehensive information that proves you are going to be an excellent asset to their company. Its important that you know whether a particular company prefers creative or more traditional resume formats, so be sure that you researc h the organization thoroughly before submitting a creative resume. For instance, you may be hired to edit a book, in which case understanding of the books subject matter is a clear plus. Add a summary statement nearly every work seeker adds an objective statement at the beginning of their resume, but a summary statement is much more beneficial. Documents that embody the exact research and message can fluctuate greatly in content and tone depending on the documents intended audience.

Friday, November 29, 2019

What Employers Should Not List in a Job Ad

What Employers Should Not List in a Job AdWhat Employers Should Not List in a Job AdSometimes, when you read a job posting, you wonder if an employer can really exclude certain types of applicants. What can employers list in a job ad and what shouldnt be listed? What are the rules and when do the rules notlage apply? Employers are prohibited from discriminating against job candidates by numerous federal and state laws. Employers should not include any reference to gender, marital/parental status, unemployment status, race, ethnicity, age, non-job related disability, national origin or religion in job advertisements. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency charged with enforcing laws prohibiting job discrimination. What Should Not Be Included in a Job Posting Employers cant screen out a candidate with a GED versus a traditional high school degree. Almost half of U.S. states prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. While there are c urrently no federal laws which apply to this population, ads for federal jobs should not include reference to sexual orientation. Job postings should not include information about unemployment or request applications only from people who are working. In fact, New York City passed legislation banning discrimination against the unemployed. Seeking a Certain Type of Applicant It is rare for an employer to blatantly violate these laws by saying something like Only married men need apply. More common violations involve the implication (perhaps inadvertent) that a certain type of protected class of person would not receive consideration, e.g., looking for candidates with strong family orientation, or seeking applicants with a youthful perspective on social media. In some cases, an organization may not list requirements, but may post a mission statement or goals that indicate that they are seeking a certain type of applicant Mission To know Christ Jesus by living and then communicating the fullness of life within the family of God, the Church. We are seeking married couples to work in our homes. In other cases, employers promote diversity All interested individuals, including people of color, women, persons with disabilities and persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex are particularly urged to apply. People of all genders and members of all racial and ethnic groups are encouraged to apply. Exceptions to Discrimination Laws There are rare exceptions to these laws such as cases where physical requirements would make it impossible, even with accommodations, for a physically challenged person to carry out the job duties. Applicants for employment often wonder if its legal when an employer specifies that they want candidates of a certain religion in a job posting. The answer is that it depends on the organization and the job. When an Employer Can List Religion as a Job Qualification Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits em ployers from discriminating against job applicants and employees based on religion. The provisions of this law govern all aspects of the recruiting, interviewing and hiring process. The law also prohibits employers from discriminating against employees, harassing workers or limiting their advancement based on religion once they are on the job. However, religious organizations are exempt from certain aspects of Title VII. They can give preference to members of their own religion in the hiring process and can state this preference in a job advertisement. Guidelines for Religious Hiring Exemptions The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) defines religious organizations as institutions whose purpose and character are primarily religious. EEO guidelines for interpreting this law cite factors such as whether its articles of incorporation state a religious purpose whether its day-to-day operations are religious whether it is not-for-profit and whether it is affiliated with, or supported by, a church or other religious organization as indicators of whether an organization should be considered a religious entity. Jobs Exempt from Hiring Requirements Even jobs which do not include religious activities are covered by this exception. For example, a church could hire only custodians who are members of their own religion and reject candidates of a different religious persuasion. This exception does not allow religious organizations to specify religions other than their own as a job requirement. Religious organizations are still prohibited from discriminating against job candidates based on age, race, gender, national origin or disability.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Inspirational Quotations About Workplace Commitment

Inspirational Quotations About Workplace CommitmentInspirational Quotations About Workplace CommitmentIf you need an inspirational quote about commitment for yur newsletter, business presentation, website, or inspirational posters, youve come to the right place. You can also pick up your favorite quote and pin it to the wall over your desk. Most importantly, these quotes about commitmentare useful to help employee motivation as they help you create success in business, success in management, and success in life. 23 Inspiring Quotations About Commitment Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the deci sion, raising in ones favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethes couplets Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it. W.H. Murray, of the Scottish Himalayan Expedition Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, leid of words. Trust movement. Alfred Adler Objectives are not fate they are direction. They are not commands they are commitments. They do not determine the future they are means to mobilize the resources and energies of the business for the making of the future. Peter Drucker Do the thing and you will be given the power. Ralph Waldo Emerson Desire is the key to motivation, but its determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. Mario Andretti Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment. Ross Perot Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nations promise through civility, courage, compassion and character. George W. Bush The relationship between commitment and doubt is by no means an antagonistic one. Commitment is healthiest when it is not without doubt but in spite of doubt. Rollo May The quality of a persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. Vince Lombardi If you make the unconditional commitment to reach your most important goals, if the strength of your decision is sufficient, you will find the way and the power to achieve your goals. Robert Conklin Individual commitment to a group effort that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization wo rk. Vince Lombardi The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work second, stick-to-itiveness third, common sense. Thomas Edison You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Napoleon Hil If your energy is as boundless as your ambition, total commitment may be a way of life you should seriously consider. Dr. Joyce Brothers The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. Anthony Robbins Without involvement, there is no commitment. Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, underline it. Stephen Covey It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow. Ralph Ellison People do not follow uncommitted leaders. Commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the work hours you choose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities, or what you do for your fellow workers at personal sacrifice. Stephen Gregg Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans. Peter F. Drucker Strategy is all about commitment. If what youre doing isnt irrevocable, then you dont have a strategy because anyone can do it... Ive always wanted to treat life like I was an invading army and there was no turning back. Troy Tyler Sustainability isnt about the quick fix or the cheap solution. Generally, it means making a commitment and trying, as best we can, to honor it. In any worthwhile enterprise, from protecting the environment to preserving a relationship, we are going to encounter difficulties. The good life is not a problem-free life. In point of fact, the process of overcoming adversity often produces some of the most rewarding experiences we will ever have. Human beings need to be challenged to test their mettle, as it were. Throwing in the towel at the first sign of trouble or small inkling of distress may be the eas y thing to do, but it doesnt help our self-concept. Most of lifes troubles can be overcome if we are willing to work through them with patience. Michael A. Schuler You have to know one big thing and stick with it. The leaders who had one very big idea and one very big commitment. This permitted them to create something. Those are the ones who leave a legacy. Irving Kristol I will demand a commitment to excellence and to victory, and that is what life is all about. Vince Lombardi

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to become successful even when you think you cant be

How to become successful even when you think you cant beHow to become successful even when you think you cant beThis is an excerpt fromYou Can Win A Step-by-Step Tool for Top Achievers by Shiv Kherbeia When people start a job, they often move through stages of motivation and competence. Motivated Ineffective When is an employee most motivated in the cycle of employment? When he joins an organization. Why? Because he wants to prove that by hiring him, the employer made the right decision. He is motivated but ineffective. Why? Because he does bedrngnis know what to do. This is the stage when the employee is most open minded, receptive and easy to mold to the culture of the organization. Training and orientation become imperative. Unprofessional organizations either have none or very poor orientation programs. The first day at the job, the teamberaterin shows the new employee his place of work and tells him what to do and leaves. He teaches all the bad along with the good that he is do ing. The new employee quickly learns all the mistakes the supervisor is making because that is what he has been taught. By not having a good induction/orientation program, the organization loses the one time opportunity to mold the individual to be effective in a positive manner. Professional organizations on the other hand, take special care to induct people into their organizations. They explain to them, among other things, the following Their values and vision? Expectations of each other Parameters and guidelines The resources The hierarchy? Dos and donts? What is acceptable and what is not How can one expect performance unless expectations are made clear up front? If induction and orientation are done well, many potential problems would not surface at all. Motivated Effective This is the stage when the employee has learned what to do and does it with drive and energy. He has learned the trade and it reflects in his performance. Then he moves on to the next stage. Demotivat ed Effective After some time the motivation level starts going down and the employee learns the tricks of the trade. This is the stage when the employee is not really motivated but continues doing just enough so that the employer has no reason to fire him. This stage is detrimental to growth- most people in organizations umstand into this third stage. His performance is marginal. He makes fun of the good performers. He is not receptive to new ideas and resists change. Our objective is to bring him back to the second stage of being motivated effective through some good training and/or incentive programs. An employee ought not to stay in the third stage too long. Why? Because theyre insiders. They start sabotaging the company. It is not uncommon that many organizations get destroyed because of sabotage from inside rather than competition from outside. They start spreading the negativity all around and demoralizing others. From here, either they are brought back to the second stage, wh ich is being motivated and effective or they automatically ?move into the fourth stage, which is demotivated and ineffective. Demotivated Ineffective At this stage, the employer does not have much choice but to fire the employee, which may be the most appropriate thing to do anyway. Remember employers want the same thing as employees do. They want to succeed and improve business and if employees help in this objective, then they make themselves valuable and grow. DEMOTIVATING FACTORS Why do people get demotivated?? Two major reasons Negative thinking or negative environment. Negative thinking could relate to the individual whereas a negative environment can be further divided into two either physical or emotional. Example physical could be - phone does not work, computers dont work, nothing works, how do I work? Emotional could be people-related matters. Some of the other demotivating factors are Lack of training ?Unfair / Negative / Public criticism ?Rewarding the non-performers (which ?can be demotivating for the performers) ?Failure or fear of failure ?Playing favorites /nepotism ?Success (which leads to complacence) ?Lack of measurable objectives ?Lack of appreciation or feeling of belonging ? Too much or too little work Low self-esteem? Lack of priorities? Negative self-talk Hostile environment? Office politics / Unfair treatment? Poor standards / lack of quality consciousness? Too much change too fast? Responsibility without authority? Too much job security / insecurity? Hypocritical or incompetent supervisor? Lack of clarity of roles and goals? Lack of challenge or a feeling of being underutilized The above is only a partial list. There are some factors which are such that, not having them, could be demotivating but having them may not necessarily be motivating. Example, one of my clients did not have a cafeteria at his facility. Everybody kept complaining and felt demotivated because of that reason. My client organized to put one in place to overco me the reason for demotivation. Interestingly, the motivation or demotivation level didnt change. What does it show? Not having was demotivating, but having, didnt motivate the people either. The repetitive nature of work is demotivating. It is a common belief that the repetitive nature of work is demotivating. Is it really so? I dont think so. What brings demotivation is, not the repetitive nature of work but 1) feeling of being underutilized and 2) lack of challenge. Example, a mother cooks meals for her family for 5060 years and is still motivated to cook and feed the family with the same enthusiasm. Why? Because she never feels underutilized, and 2) she always wants to outperform herself and make a more delicious meal for her family. In fact every time she cooks, she is motivated. A person who has no aspiration and is contented with status quo may not really be a motivated person. Such satisfaction may lead to complacence. Motivation brings excitement and excitement does not com e unless there is commitment. Whenever we think of motivation, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Give them money. They will get motivated. At least for some time they will get motivated. But, so long as you have demotivating factors present in your organization, you can give all the money you want, and they will take it too. Theyll never refuse your money but even after taking your money, they will still be demotivated. Hence, many a times, the greatest motivator is to remove the demotivating factors. Motivators What we really want to accomplish is self-motivation. When people do things for their own reasons and not yours, that becomes their lasting motivation. Remember the greatest motivator is belief. We have to inculcate in ourselves the belief that we are responsible for our actions and behavior. When people accept responsibility, everything improves quality, productivity, relationships and teamwork. A few steps to inspire others to motivate themselves are Give recogn ition Give respect? Make work interesting Be a good listener Encourage goal setting Provide training growth ?Throw a challenge ?Help, but dont do for others what they should do ?for themselves ??People do things for their own reasons, not yours. This is illustrated by a story about Ralph Waldo Emerson. He and his son were once struggling to get a calf into the barn. Both father and son were exhausted, pulling and pushing. A little girl was passing by. She put her little finger into the calfs mouth, allowing it to suck, and the calf lovingly followed her to the barn.